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4teachers' Project Based-Learning Checklists
http://www.4teachers.org/projectbased/checklist.shtmlJust one of the tools offered by 4teacher, these interactive pages let you quickly click on the applicable items on which you want to assess your students, submit, print, and, viola, you have individualized project checklists that are grade-level and project-type appropriate.
The Bright Stuff
An Interview with Howard Gardner
http://www.cio.com/archive/031596_qa_content.html"According to this Harvard psychologist's theory of multiple intelligences, it takes more than a high IQ to be a smart manager and leader" (Christorpher Koch).
Connecting Students, Teacher Resources, Rubrics/Scoring Guides
http://connectingstudents.com/resource.htm#RubricsOne of the challenges of changing one's teaching to embrace MI theory is rethinking the way to assess students' work. This page links to a variety of resources that will help in the quest.
David Lazear's New Dimensions of Learning Multiple Intelligences Overview
http://www.multi-intell.com/mi_overview.htmIn addition to the print resources by Lazear listed throughout the Light Our Candles site, Lazear has a Web site that has suggestions for exploring each of the intelligences.
Electronic Learning Marketplace Assessments
http://www.elm.maine.edu/assessments/index.stmAnother source of good assessment instruments.
How am I smart? The theory of multiple intelligences
http://www.weac.org/kids/may96/multiple.htmPart of the Wisconsin Education Association's Kids & Schools site, this page is a summary of the address Harvard University's Bruce Torff gave to the IPD/QuEST Conference, sponsored by WEAC and the Wisconsin Federation of Teachers.
Howard Garner Topics Menu
http://www.ed.psu.edu/insys/ESD/Gardner/menu.htmlThis Pennsylvania State University page is part of their Educational Systems Design Home Page. It links to topics that range from a description of multiple intelligence theory to a video clip of Gardner discussion educational reform.
http://boisdarc.tamu-commerce.edu/www/e/edwords/mimain.htmAngela Edwords of Texas A & M has compiled information about the Multiple Intelligences, but takes her site a step further by making sprecific suggestions of technology integration activities for each of the intelligences.
http://www.inspiration.comThis concept mapping software has plenty of classroom applications that allow students to complete assignments using their preferred intelligence. Kispiration, a K-3 version, is currently being beta-tested and should be on the market soon.
"I think.....therefore.....M.I.!" Internet Links Exercising Your Multiple Intelligences
http://www.surfaquarium.com/im.htmAlthough you have to scroll down to the Intelligence heading for the links, this site will lead you to other sites that you can use with each of the intelligences.
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators -- Assessment Rubrics
http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/assess.htmlIn addition to the other fine sites that Schrock indexes, this page links to a number of assessment rubric sites.
Many Colours Bookstore
http://www.books-by-many.com/teacher_resource.htmIn addition to providing teacher resource materials on the multiple intelligences, this site is the source of many book descriptions in the Light Our Candles Multiple Intelligence Resources Annotated Bibliography.
MI & Technology: A Winning Combination!
http://www.ri.net/RITTI_Fellows/Carlson-Pickering/MI_Tech.htmJane Carlson-Pickering , Chariho Regional School District, Rhode Island, has put together a site that is testimony to the number of ways technology can be used to help students strengthen all of their intelligences.
MIDAS: Mutliple Intelligences Developmental Assessment Scales
https://www.angelfire.com/oh/themidas/index.htmlHoward Gardner gives his approval to the site, saying, "To my knowledge, The MIDAS represents the first effort to measure the multiple intelligences, which have been developed according to standard psychometric procedures. Branton Shearer is to be congratulated for the careful and cautious way in which he has created his instrument and offered guidance for its use and interpretation."
Multiple Intelligences Defined
http://www.uwsp.edu/education/lwilson/LEARNING/3mides.htmThis site, last update in March of 1998, clearly defines each of the original seven multiple intelligence put forth by Gardner in 1983.
Northwest Regional Education Laboratory's Assessment & Evaluation Services
http://www.nwrel.org/eval/Another excellent source of rubrics and assessment instruments.
On-Line Personal Learning Style Inventory from The Center for New Discoveries in Learning
http://www.howtolearn.com/personal.htmlThis learning style inventory is interactive and give feedback on learning style preferences that can be printed.
On Teaching for Understanding: A Conversation with Howard Gardner
http://www.ascd.org/readingroom/edlead/9304/brandt.htmlIn April 1993 Educational Leadership published Ron Brandt's interview with Howard Gardner. It is presented in question and answer format.
Pathfinder: Multiple Intelligences
http://www.wsd1.org/pc%5Flms/pf/multiple_intelligence.htmAlthough not annotated, this page lists books, AV material, journal articles and Web sites about the multiple intelligences. The catalog numbers will be helpful only to those who have access to the Reference Library at Library Media Services in the Winnipeg School Division No. 1.
The Staff Room for Ontario's Teachers -- Rubrics
http://www.odyssey.on.ca/~elaine.coxon/rubrics.htmAnother source from Canada, this page has more suggestions for rubircs that assess assignments that allow students to demonstrate what they have learned in a variety of ways.
Walter McKenzie’s Ready to Print and Use Multiple Intelligence Inventory
http://www.surfaquarium.com/MIinvent.htmOne of the benefits of this MI inventory is that McKenzie gives permission to print and use it as long as his copyright information is retained on the print copies.
Light Our Candles. (2000, July 30). Light Our Candles: Multiple Intelligence Resources - Web Resources [WWW document]. Light Our Candles. Leavenworth, KS: Saint Mary College. Retrieved Month #, 2000 from the World Wide Web: https://lightourcandles.tripod.com/MIweb.html
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