Cross-Cultural Communication ResourcesIntroduction |
Introduction | Literature Search | Method | Results | Observations | References | Appendix
Researchers, curriculum developers, and administrators across this country bombard teachers with a dizzying level of statistics, thematic units, lesson plans, and practices that claim to solve the dilemma of multicultural classrooms. The current investigation began on the premise that the level of personal growth within a given classroom is directly proportional to the level of cultural diversity. Then it would follow that in a classroom lacking any significant cultural differences among the student body, a teacher could incorporate multicultural lessons and strategies to make up for the lack of diversity among students. All other things being equal, this author believes that more diversity means more growth, and more growth means higher achievement.
Hann, J. (2000, July 19). Light Our Candles: Cross- Cultural Communication Resources - Student Research -- Hann (Introduction)[WWW document]. Light Our Candles. Leavenworth, KS: Saint Mary College. Retrieved Month #, 2000 from the World Wide Web:
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